Facility Agreement/ Event Application


For community events or where large crowds are expected, please allow at least 60 - 90 days for processing as some applications that request a street closure, waiver of fees, and alcohol use on city property may need to go through multiple department reviews and before the City Council for approval. City Council meetings are twice a month – on the first and third Tuesday. For small private events, the facility agreement should be returned at least two weeks in advance to process. Please call the office if you are unsure which timeframe you will need to submit by.


1. Facility Agreement: The agreement may be downloaded from the Parks and Recreation website or picked up from the Parks and Recreation Office.

2. Insurance: (General Liability and Additional Insured Endorsement Certificate). The insurance requirements are $1,000,000 Million per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. The General Liability Certificate must list the holder as City of Brawley, 383 Main Street, Brawley, CA 92227. The Additional Insured Endorsement Certificate must include the following verbiage: The City of Brawley, its employees, elected officials, and officers, 383 Main Street, Brawley, CA 92227.

3. Map of Event: The map should indicate the event's location and the desired street closure using visible markings, vendor placement, restroom placement, security guard placement, and emergency and disabled person access.

4. Return the Facility Agreement and other documents to the Parks and Recreation Office at 225 “A” Street, Brawley, CA 92227.

Other Documents:

The following documents may be necessary, depending on the event type. Their need may be determined during the review of the facility agreement.

Security Guard Agreement: The standard is one security guard per 100 attendees. An estimate may be provided when submitting the facility agreement. However, a fully executed copy is due 7-10 business days before the event. The Chief of Police approves the number of security guards. Some police services may be available at a cost.

Evacuation Plan: Some events may require an emergency evacuation plan due to size. This may be determined before or during the review of your facility agreement.

Alcohol, Loudspeaker, Assembly permit: A copy of the alcohol application to the Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) will need to be provided if you request permission to serve alcohol on city property. The Alcohol application may be obtained on the ABC website. The Loudspeaker and Assembly permit may be obtained and paid for at the Brawley Police Department once your application has been thoroughly reviewed and approved.

Flyer/Announcements: Flyers and announcements for the requested event may not be published without approval from the city. The flyer may need to be reviewed before being released to the public. Flyers may not contain the City Logo unless permission is granted by the City Council.

Facility Agreement/ Event Application

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